Choose a category or leave the random word mode, which includes all words from our dictionary. Also, once a day you play in daily mode, guessing the same word as other players.
You will see a line of empty cells in front of you, this is a word or phrase that you need to guess. It consists of the same number of letters as you see empty cells.
Your goal is to learn this word or phrase. To do this, click on the letters on the keyboard in turn, recognizing the correct letters. If there is such a letter in the hidden word, then it will open. If there is no such letter, then you will see how the picture of the hanged man began to be drawn.
The picture consists of 8 parts, which correspond to 8 mistakes that you can make. In this case, the eighth, last mistake will become a losing one. If the picture is completed to the end before you finish the word, you lose. If you make it early, you are the winner. Good luck!